Get Annoying Pests Out Of Your Home With These Tips

Sometimes there is nothing we can do about a pest infestation. It does not have to be your family’s dirty secret anymore. This article was written to help you get rid of those bugs once and for all. You can also find out how you can keep them away for good.

Try a do-it-yourself spray. If you can’t afford to have a professional service come out to spray your home for pest prevention, try any of the number of pest control sprays available at local hardware and box stores. Most come in easy-to-use bottles with trigger spray nozzles that allow you to spray around the foundation and windows of your home, both inside and out.

Seal food that isn’t being used. Food scents attracts many different kinds of insects. In addition, when your trash bag is full, take it out immediately. Pests love this smell and will travel far to find its source.

If your pest problem is noisy crickets, then your answer is as easy as duct tape. Cut off a strip and lay it with the adhesive side facing up. Place in on the floor or ground near where you hear the crickets. It will attract them, and they will get stuck on it.

Mice enjoy eating grains and cereal. This is something you have to make sure you don’t leave lying around in your kitchen. Mice will sink their teeth into almost anything! If having mice in the home is common for you, remove the food supply and place them in high cabinets and use sealed containers. They have a fantastic sense of smell, so don’t underestimate these little critters.

Inspect any seeds or houseplants before you buy them and bring them home. You want to check for current signs of insects. You also want to look for disease issues that might attract insects. Never put something in your home that would attract bugs or pests in the wild outdoors.

Don’t keep food out. Every time you make a meal, make sure to cover it and even better, put it in the refrigerator or an air-tight container. Animals are better at smelling than people are, and if they smell something tasty, they are going to come looking for it. Make sure you don’t leave food out too long.

Carpenter ants are attracted to damp wood; therefore, if you notice an increase in carpenter ants, check your pipes and roof for leaks. Once you have found where your problem is located, fix the leak and replace the wood to help quickly rid your home of carpenter ants. You may also want to call in a pest-control expert to treat your home.

If you are being bothered with mice and rats, it is time to set traps. Most rodents are attracted to peanut butter. Take a small bit of peanut butter and roll it into a tiny ball and place it on a mouse trap to tantalize rodents with the scent.

Hopefully we have provided you with some useful hints, tips, and tricks that will help you exterminate your home. You will be saving money and getting rid of any insects that may have been inhabiting your home. We all know that they are the most unwanted of unwanted guests.